Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Big Fr and Hungry F

  1. Why Francium is the biggest element with the lowest IE and EN
  2. Why Helium is the smallest element with the highest IE
  3. Why Noble Gases don't have EN values
  4. Why Fluorine has the highest EN

 -Francium is the biggest element because it has 7 shells. Francium has the lowest IE and EN because large atoms have the lowest IE.  In large atoms, the nucleus is least attracted to valence e- is easily lost. Also big atoms have lower EN. in big atoms, the nucleus is farthest from other atoms, so it is hard for valence e- to be gained.

-Helium is the smallest element because it has only one shell. Small atoms have the highest IE.

-Noble gases don't have EN values because they have a full valence shell, so they are very stable (unreactive).

-Fluorine has the highest EN because it is a halogen which means it has seven valence e'-. so it only needs one more.out of the halogens fluorine is the smallest, which means it has a higher EN.

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